Fire damper testing

CMK provides complete duct cleaning services throughout the UK, following the requirements of TR/19, the leading guidance document issued by the BESA Association British Standard. We are accredited by SafeContractor, BESA and BESCA and use security vetted operations teams. 

Fire dampers stop the spread of fire inside ductwork by closing the fire damper when there is a temperature rise. It is therefore important to our customers that they are confident that the fire dampers will function effectively. 

CMK can test your fire dampers through a process known as "drop testing". Regular fire damper testing, cleaning and maintenance (at least every 12 months) is a legal requirement and an integral part of building fire safety.

Using your schematic diagrams for your site, we can work from these to identify your fire dampers' location. If the appropriate schematics are not available, we can carry out a site visit to identify their location.

Our work involves visually inspecting, drop testing and resetting every accessible fire damper. We provide a comprehensive report giving detailed records for each fire damper, including location, type, results along with photographic evidence. We will also document any recommended remedial works to ensure compliance.